Friday, December 31, 2004

Primo Joe, your my best pal

Primo Joe, your my best pal, cause you speak the same language as me, BabyTalk.
Isn't it fun Joe! All this Christmas stuff, Santa, presents, and being the centre of attention.
This is a trial run, next year we'll really wrap them around our little fingers.

Here are some special pictures I've picked out from our first encounter.

Posted by Hello

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Hola tia Lilly y Janet

What a really exciting day it was for me today I got a chance to meet my tia Liliana and tia Janet. They've come all the way from Paris, France with Joe, Melaine, Michel, and the slaves, well that's what Abuelo Rafa calls Michel & Rene :-).

Posted by Hello

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas Day Yippee

What is this day of Christmas????

It started off with Mam & Dad waking me up.
Then we all went straight to the Christmas tree, where we all got a chance to rip paper. I really enjoyed that, and sharing my gifts with Mam & Dad.

Granny Eithne and Abuelo Rafa came this visit around 11:30am.
Some great pictures.

I got my nap in and then it was off down to Nanny Noreen and GrandDad Billy.
Uncle Colm Bolm was there and I got some more paper tearing in, oh what joy.

The big dinner was held at Granny Eithnes & Abuelo Rafas.
Uncle Bob (D'GodFather) and Aoife were there too.

More paper tearing here, will this ever end? I hope not I love it.

Then back home for evening tea and a visit from Nanny Noreen and GrandDad Billy.

What a Day, I saw everyone, and now feel very tired.

What ever it is, this Christmas Day, I think it's great, and I get to see all my family, this was my first and just can't wait for next year!

Posted by Hello

Friday, December 24, 2004

4 months old today

The one bit a major news today, I'm 4 months old.
I like this Christmas holiday, fresh trees in the house, all the family smilling and happy and Dad's on some time off also, great.
Posted by Hello

I've caught a Foot!

Lots to catch up on. 4 months old today
It's coming up to Christmas and I got my 2nd Vaccine. Everything went fine but Mam & Dad kept a watch on me constantly for 48 hours.

I've really found my voice these last couple of days, and best of all is my singing (screeching).

Also Mam kept asking about these things called Feet. Where's my feet , where's my feet, well today I caught one, I couldn't quite get it in my mouth for some reason?

Weighted in at 15Lbs today, the food is great here at Chez PdL.

Posted by Hello

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Songs, weight, Xmas list and taste

Learned a new song this month the "ABC" song
14lbs 4oz = I've reached 1 stone mark.
Went for my first meal out, to Kambo, Thai resturant, with Mam & Dad, really enjoyed it

I'm back on the bottle, and this time I think they've got it right, nice and warm, but no biccies

Creating a list for Christmas. Mam & Dad asked me to put a list together for what I would like from Santa this year. Symths toy store was my first stop, it gave me some good ideas, next it will be off to world of wonder

Dad took me to the changing room in Tescos what an experience, the changing mat was neat, but the water was a bit hot.

New discovery for me taste. And with this I've put out my new feallers to zips to cloths to bibs to, well everything.

Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Are these my hands?

Found a use for my hands today, grabbed hold of my comb, and it really helped my gums, that is it went straight into my mouth :-)

Three months old today, an update in pictures can be seen when you hit the link.
Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Getting back to my roots

I'm glad to be getting back to my roots, Viva Peru

There are also some other pictures of me, I've hit the two month old mark.

Posted by Hello

Thursday, October 07, 2004

I love you Mammy

Have a look at some of my favourite pictures with Mammy

Also got a weight in today 12lbs 6oz looking good.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Friday, October 01, 2004

New month , new word

My new word for the English dictionary is ChubbyChue.

You see when I sneeze it usually comes out "atishue" however since I have such
chubby checks the real word for this sneeze is ChubbyChue.

And for an extra rhyme my Chubbychues usual come in twos :-).

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Welcome Joe

Well what great news today, I've got a new cousin, baby Joe, came into the world and like me all his pictures are up on the web at

You know Joe this outside world is not so bad after a few weeks, especially when there's great parents looking after you. La famille Weijsenfeld

By the way had a lovely day with the public health nurse everything is in order and I'm 11lbs 12oz, Mam is delighted with me.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

What a tearful day

I love bath time, it's the one real chance I get to remove those cloths, hats, booties, and car seat and just have my freedom. And you know I hate being taken out of the bath, that lovely warm water and I have told my parents what's what in that department. But a funny thing happened me today, my eyes started to water once I got upset, yes
really water, might have something to do with the full moon out tonight, anyhow it seems when I have tears my parents start to do things quicker, and quicker, interesting this could be used in the future.

Monday, September 20, 2004

I've found a knuckle sandwich

Interesting discovery today, I found this funny part of my body called a hand. Looked like a knuckle sandwich so it's gone straight into my mouth, seems to last forever which is great.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

What a great Grandma

Great Grandma Josie, came to see me, what a special day, see a picture of the day.

Great GrandDad John sang a special song just for me "Come down the mountain Katie Daly". It went a little something like this.

Come down the mountain Katie Daly
Come down from the mountain Katie do.
Oh, can’t you hear us calling Katie Daly
We want to drink your Irish Mountain Dew

Well your old man, Katie, came from Tipperary
In the pioneering year of fortytwo
Her old man even showed old Flintstone City
For the making of the Irish Mountain Dew

Come down the mountain Katie Daly
Come down from the mountain Katie do.
Oh, can’t you hear us calling Katie Daly
We want to drink your Irish Mountain Dew

Monday, August 30, 2004

Meeting the O'Keeffe Family

I also got to meet Nanny Noreen & Grandad Billy, the pictures are linked in here.

Meeting the Ponce de Leon Family

Within a couple of hours I've gotten to meet one side of my family, the Ponce de Leon's, I saved some pictures of the event.