Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas Day Yippee

What is this day of Christmas????

It started off with Mam & Dad waking me up.
Then we all went straight to the Christmas tree, where we all got a chance to rip paper. I really enjoyed that, and sharing my gifts with Mam & Dad.

Granny Eithne and Abuelo Rafa came this visit around 11:30am.
Some great pictures.

I got my nap in and then it was off down to Nanny Noreen and GrandDad Billy.
Uncle Colm Bolm was there and I got some more paper tearing in, oh what joy.

The big dinner was held at Granny Eithnes & Abuelo Rafas.
Uncle Bob (D'GodFather) and Aoife were there too.

More paper tearing here, will this ever end? I hope not I love it.

Then back home for evening tea and a visit from Nanny Noreen and GrandDad Billy.

What a Day, I saw everyone, and now feel very tired.

What ever it is, this Christmas Day, I think it's great, and I get to see all my family, this was my first and just can't wait for next year!

Posted by Hello

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