Sunday, February 27, 2005

"Kate the builder" can I build it?

Just finshed my latest project drinking from a cup, and now I'm start a new challenging project, building a house!
And the first job I wanted finished is my bedroom, but some how they have to build this thing called a foundation first!

I went out to inspect it today and looks good. Mightly cold though, Mam had me very well wrapped up! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

6 months old today and it's cold

6 months into my life story, on this planet earth, a day to remember.

Posted by Hello

I'm really starting to enjoy meal time, although not all the food is great at Chez PdL. I really enjoy apple, pear, banana, all the fruits, but carrots and broccoli, now that's a different story altogether.

Posted by Hello

Dad has started to read me bedtime stories this week, helped me to sleep last night, more to the fact that they are a bit strange, I wonder who wrote them?

I have noticed that this has gone hand in hand with my recent permanent move to the cot, for morning nap, afternoon nap and night time sleep. I'm not quite used to it yet, I really like the look of Mam & Dads large bed, but it looks like I'm here to stay.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Do I look like Dad?

Nanny Noreen says I look just like Dad ...................... serious, and no, not like seriously I look like Dad, the look I have is .......... well............. "Serious", what do you think?

A couple of new things I'm starting to enjoy this week, banging things together, from left hand to right and right hand to left and drinking juice from my cup, Happy Days.

D'Parents were even happier when they learned this grasping and banging things together is a major development milestone for me. Little do they know, I've been at this for ages.

Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 19, 2005

My first self typed blog


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Saturday, February 12, 2005

Let's go walkies

Got a new walker this week, although as my great-uncle Michael woudl say it's just like an Itailian World War II tank, 6 gears, 5 for reverse.
It's got all the bells and whistles, and music, air conditioning the lot ....

Got to chat withthe public health nurse this week, all is well and I'm a happy 18lbs 13oz in old money. For those who really want to know my weight it's 8.47kg.

But there's a reason I mention pounds. Mam & Dad have been helping me to watch my BMI progress and measuring me against this growth chart, just to make sure I'm going in the right direction. I'm in the xxth percentile ................ ahh as if I'd tell you!

Posted by Hello

Monday, February 07, 2005

A rolling Kate gathers no moss

Mam has been egging me on with weeks now but I've finally rolled over from my belly to my back for the first time.

As I've mentioned before I love bath time, and now with me being able to splash my hands I never want it to end. Mam also mentions that it keeps me clean but in all fairness who cares about that?

Mam has started me on the words Ma Ma, Ba Ba, Da Da and woof woof (Rosie), I've not quite got the crasp of it yet, but Mam has said I have lots of time to practice and learn. By the way No. 1 in the KatePdL charts is "Ba Ba Black Sheep" it's my favourite nursary rhyme at the moment, followed closely by the "ABC song".

Some pictures you are seeing from today include my first time on the beach at Tramore and my first time at a place called "The Pub", I found it lovely and warm, however a bit smelly, overall thought what an experience!

Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

Finally what a busy day got to meet another Katie today, Katie Burke, lovely little girl, my Mam sayes we are the "one age" of the same "run" what ever that all means

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